Sunday, December 20, 2009

Sleep to live, in my case Live to Sleep.

You know what I like best about that sore, dreadful week where I have been neck deep in work? Hint: It begins with an Ess. Nope, not Saturday. I was thinking more on lines of Sunday. Now I must confess that the wide eyed girl happens to be the biggest self-confessed lover of Sleep. And good food. And I’ll tell you this, Sundays are equivalent to sleeping-like-you’re-dead and delightful breakfasts for me. I’d intended to make this one about Sundays and the array of awesome things Sunday brings with it. But since I have already gone down the sleep lane, let me go further. So let me explain the ‘sleep-like-you’re-dead’ phenomenon(again, I came up with this). When I sleep, in that weird C-wanting to become-S position, with my eyes shut and mouth slightly open(not always, but it just sounds funny), I’m dead to the world! No normal or paranormal activity, no sound of a pin drop or an eruption from a mountain standing right next to me, spewing out its ‘stuff’ on me, no nails scratching on the board, no roomie trying to jerk me awake hopelessly, oh, and no alarms (I have the most notorious history with those) will ever be successful in making me even consider getting up. So this is what I do when my alarm rings in the morning and I’m not even kidding. After an hour of it ringing like a bitch right under my pillow, the sonorous waves filtering in through the fibres of my pillow and striking my ear and miserably rejected bouncing back, I decide that my roomie should at that instant when she’s having a nice, sound dream have my alarm shoved into her face! And you know what, she is not even allowed to resist. One loud grunt from me and she decides that if she wants to live long enough to produce babies (she’s dippy on babies!), she should deal with the wretched alarm, in whatever way. To hell with getting up on time. You see, I have my priorities in place. Now getting back to my original strain of thought on Sundays. Sundays, if only there was ever a thing so ideal! Get a load of this, Sundays work like this for me. I sleep till my brain is on the verge of bursting because it just can’t sleep anymore. It yeans to stretch its arms and rub its eyes but I just wouldn’t have any of it.Let me tell you about the elements which are most conducive to my oh-so-precious sleep:
• Watching some mind-numbing TV with the lights out, the pillow semi plopped against the bed, body forming an obtuse-angle, comforter pulled up to the neck(that is never compromised on). I was watching Rachel Allen’s bake last night in that position and even that seemed blissful.
• Making sure that the comforter acts like an envelope to your body and you tuck in all the ends of the comforter under yourself. That ways, there is no cold corner left around your lair and every inch of you is warm. It must be a sin to feel so good and sleepy!
• Try this: Since the comforter is up to your neck, and you are in the C-wanting to become-S position, draw up your shoulder blades so that they touch your ears. I know it sounds terribly quirky, but believe it when it’s coming from me. It works or what!
• Make sure that your hair does not fall on your face, it irritates the living daylights out of me and makes me all crabby and most importantly, it kills my sleep. *Hmmphh*
• The biggest incentive for sleep to come to me has to be thoughts of good food. I think watching ‘Bake’ last night worked on me. While Rachel Allen was whipping up some lemon tarts on the screen, I could bet I was tasting them when my mind switched off.
• This has to be my personal favourite. Listening to music when you’re all curled in the warmest spot on the bed. Listen to a track on repeat(I do that when a track gets to me) till your mind switches off and the track now plays softly in the background of your peaceful slumber. I could almost fall off to sleep imagining that feeling.
• There is nothing like the shut eye after a day of hard work and elbow grease. The feeling of falling off to sleep before your eyes shut or your head hits the pillow is the most satiating.

More will follow as I re-discover the magic of sleep everyday. I need food now. More later.


Jinder Bondi said...

some observations:
a) WOW are you a bitch to ankita or what? She just might strangle you in your sleep one of these days, and you being you will not even wake up im sure!

b)i agree about the comforter tucked on all sides bit too, but i cover my head too, with just my face sticking out,, looking like a bride.

c)and yes sleep always comes above any thing. My philosophy if there is something you have to get up early for, then its not worth doing. exceptions are obviously there, for example following the fucking 85% attendance rule.

and finally d) leave already, im hungry.

Sharanyaa said...

I'm SO sleepy. I positively don't like you. Because hate is a strong word

Prasad Subramanyan said...

:D I do ALL that. Seriously.
Another thing -
Fans. I NEED the fan to be on at all times of the year. Be it winter or summer.

Me and My brother can wake up - have an entire conversation and go to sleep after that. Not remembering what happened. I can wake up switch off my alarm and go to sleep.

My history is bad. I have had house doors broken down because I slept so soundly, I've had to have been literally carried to the bathroom and showed into a shower, only to wake up temporarily to bite the person who did this, dry myself, go to sleep.

Sleep is....bliss....